High School Basics
Attendance Procedures
School is in Session Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM. Parents/guardians are responsible for phoning or e-mailing the Attendance Office if their child will be absent, arriving late, or leaving early. The attendance phone number is (314) 983-5414 and e-mail: lhwhsattendance@ladueschools.net. For information about attendance and check in/out procedures, see the high school handbook.
Extreme weather (snow days!) and other situations may cause late starts or school closings. Information on these situations are broadcast to parents using text and voice systems by the school district.
Handbooks for Scheduling, Athletics & Students
* Scheduling - to use in planning course selections.
* Athletics - outlines the philosophy of the activities office.
* Student Handbook - an important reference for procedures, policies and expectations. Students are required to document that they have reviewed this handbook annually.
Progress Reports & Grades: Infinite campus
Parents and students have online access to check academic progress through Infinite Campus. Current grade information is updated regularly.
STUDENT PARKING & Bus Information
Parking permits are sold to seniors and juniors on a space available basis through a registration process. Please reference the high school handbook for details about parking. Visit the District Transportation page for bus routes and information about the SafeStop tracking app.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Saturday, April 5
- Tuesday, April 8
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 23
- Friday, May 2
- Tuesday, May 13
- Sunday, May 18
- Monday, May 26
- Tuesday, May 27
- Wednesday, May 28
- Thursday, May 29
- Friday, May 30
- Thursday, June 19